dead battery Oldsmobile Alero 2002 Owner's Manuals

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Snow can trap exhaust gases under your vehicle.
This can cause deadly CO (carbon monoxide) gas
to get inside. CO could overcome you and kill
you. You can't see it or smell it, so you might not
know it is in your vehicle. Clear away snow from
around the base of your vehicle, especially any
that is blocking your exhaust pipe. And check
around again from time to time to be sure snow
doesn't collect there.
Open a window just a little on the side of the
vehicle that's away from the wind. This will help
keep CO out.
Run your engine only as long as you must. This saves
fuel. When you run the engine, make it go a little faster
than just idle. That is, push the accelerator slightly. This
uses less fuel for the heat that you get and it keeps the
battery charged. You will need a well
-charged battery to
restart the vehicle, and possibly for signaling later on
with your headlamps. Let the heater run for a while.
Then, shut the engine off and close the window almost
all the way to preserve the heat. Start the engine again
and repeat this only when you feel really uncomfortable
from the cold. But do it as little as possible. Preserve the
fuel as long as you can. To help keep warm, you can get
out of the vehicle and do some fairly vigorous exercises
every half hour or so until help comes.

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Using a match near a battery can cause battery
gas to explode. People have been hurt doing this,
and some have been blinded. Use a flashlight if
you need more light.
Be sure the battery has enough water. You don't
need to add water to the ACDelco battery
installed in every new GM vehicle. But if a
battery has filler caps, be sure the right amount
of fluid is there. If it is low, add water to take
care of that first. If you don't, explosive gas
could be present.
Battery fluid contains acid that can burn you.
Don't get it on you. If you accidentally get it in
your eyes or on your skin, flush the place with
water and get medical help immediately.
5. Check that the jumper cables don't have loose or
missing insulation. If they do, you could get a shock.
The vehicles could be damaged too.
Before you connect the cables, here are some basic
things you should know. Positive (+) will go to
positive (+) or to a remote positive (+) terminal
if the vehicle has one. Negative (
-) will go to a
heavy, unpainted metal engine part or to a remote
negative (
-) terminal if the vehicle with the dead
battery has one.
Don't connect positive (+) to negative (
-) or you'll
get a short that would damage the battery and maybe
other parts, too. And don't connect the negative (
cable to the negative (
-) terminal on the dead battery
because this can cause sparks.
Fans or other moving engine parts can injure you
badly. Keep your hands away from moving parts
once the engine is running.

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6. Connect the red positive (+) cable to the positive (+)
terminal of the dead battery. Use a remote positive (+)
terminal if the vehicle has one.
7. Don't let the other end
touch metal. Connect it
to the positive (+)
terminal of the good
battery. Use a remote
positive (+) terminal if
the vehicle has one.
8. Now connect the
black negative (
cable to the
negative (
terminal of the
good battery. Use a
remote negative (
terminal if the
vehicle has one.
Don't let the other end touch anything until the next
step. The other end of the negative (
-) cable doesn't
go to the dead battery. It goes to a heavy, unpainted
metal engine part or to a remote negative (
-) terminal
on the vehicle with the dead battery.

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9. Connect the other end of the negative (-) cable at
least 18 inches (45 cm) away from the dead battery,
but not near engine parts that move. The electrical
connection is just as good there, and the chance of
sparks getting back to the battery is much less.10. Now start the vehicle with the good battery and run
the engine for a while.
11. Try to start the vehicle that has the dead battery.
If it won't start after a few tries, it probably
needs service.
Damage to your vehicle may result from
electrical shorting if jumper cables are removed
incorrectly. To prevent electrical shorting, take
care that the cables don't touch each other or any
other metal. The repairs wouldn't be covered by
your warranty.

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Jumper Cable Removal
A. Heavy, Unpainted Metal Engine Part
B. Good Battery
C. Dead BatteryTo disconnect the jumper cables from both vehicles,
do the following:
1. Disconnect the black negative (
-) cable from the
vehicle that had the dead battery.
2. Disconnect the black negative (
-) cable from the
vehicle with good battery.
3. Disconnect the red positive (+) cable from the
vehicle with the good battery.
4. Disconnect the red positive (+) cable from the
other vehicle.
Towing Your Vehicle
Consult your dealer or a professional towing service if
you need to have your disabled vehicle towed. See
ªRoadside Assistanceº in the Index. If you want to
tow your vehicle behind another vehicle for recreational
purposes (such as behind a motorhome), see
ªRecreational Vehicle Towingº in the Index.